
In 2024 we are moving Mountaingrass to Bright, Victoria, a beautiful little town, that will be familiar to anyone who used to come to Harrietville Convention and Mountaingrass in its infancy.  We will return to the third full weekend in November: 15-17 November. 

Our main venue will be the Bright Community Hall at 1 Railway Avenue.

It is a stone's throw from Ireland Street, the retail centre of Bright, and a short walk to the NRMA Bright Holiday Park.

Bright has a lot of accommodation to suit all budgets. There are numerous caravan parks in and around Bright and Porepunkah as well as hotels, motels, short stay apartments and houses. 

There is a comprehensive list of accommodation options on our Accommodation page. 


Mountaingrass moves to Bright, Vic. in 2024

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Website by Rangs Graphics & Design.

Mountaingrass is brought to you by the Australasian Bluegrass and Old Time Music Association (ABOTMA)